Zomo Vivir
One of Zomo’s mottos is to bring joy wherever we go, we want everyone to live happily. From this desire to change the world, we came up with Zomo Vivir, a program that supports social projects for more than 50 children at social risk situation, making a difference in their lives.
This support makes children happier and brings hope in difficult times. That’s why we want you to know more about Zomo Vivir and embrace a project in your city. We are doing our part. How about you? Help a social cause: the world will be a happier place if everyone does their part.
Zomo Vivir
One of Zomo’s mottos is to bring joy wherever we go, we want everyone to live happily. From this desire to change the world, we came up with Zomo Vivir, a program that supports social projects for more than 50 children at social risk situation, making a difference in their lives.
This support makes children happier and brings hope in difficult times. That’s why we want you to know more about Zomo Vivir and embrace a project in your city. We are doing our part. How about you? Help a social cause: the world will be a happier place if everyone does their part.
Las Tias Foundation
‘Las Tías’ shelters 41 children. The girl waiting for us at the gate is an autistic child who is specially taken care of by Aunt Cristina with the help of four other “aunts”, as they call themselves. Unfortunately, as the government does not provide any kind of support, the shelter needs sympathetic people and companies that can contribute in some way to make it work.
Zomo and Zomo Vivir have been part of this story for 7 years, turning Aunt Cristina’s dream into reality. This home gives children the opportunity to have a family. They have come from an unfortunate reality and some have tried drugs. Today they can enjoy true childhood and live moments that only a child has the right to.
Las Tias Foundation
Las Tias Foundation
Aunt Cristina, the head of the house, tells us what it is like to build a home for these children: they study, do activities around the house, are taught early on to live as a team, each doing a little bit to keep the house, as a family. We can see the happiness of these children, who show a rewarding smile at the slightest demonstration of affection. And what a smile, isn’t it? How good it is to see the happiness of a child.
Hogar Revivir
HOGAR REVIVIR is also a home for abandoned children, but with one difference: these children have been diagnosed with the HIV virus. Aids carriers can live normal lives nowadays. What is not normal, unfortunately, is the prejudice it causes.
This shelter has 13 children who are assisted by a family: Elimar is the father, Nilda is the mother, and Camila is their daughter, who likes to say that they are a real family. When they go out to have a meal, everyone goes together, and the same happens when they travel. They argue, enjoy themselves, and have lunch together on Sundays. They are a family like every other family.
Camila told us their story: the kids have gone through many schools and they always try to remain anonymous, because misinformation leads to bullying. Liz, now 15, was the first child at Revivir, when she was 5. Today she is responsible for the difficult task of explaining the issue of relationships to these kids. Though they haven’t even given their first kiss, they wonder why they have to have this condition while other children don’t.
The work the family does gets even more important when they get university visitors to “teach” the children all about their condition. They show them that it is possible to have a normal life by taking the right medication (which is supplied by the government), in order to keep the viral load low and prevent the transmission of the virus.