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FOA teaches a "Kaizen" workshop to improve production and quality in the factory

With the aim of improving the production and quality processes in the factory, Flavors of Americas (FOA) developed a Kaizen Workshop, which consists of the implementation of 5 steps to achieve what was proposed. This is a Japanese method that has already been applied in several companies worldwide and has produced results that benefit these companies, according to the manager of the Flavors Plant, engineer Marcelo Peña.

This is the 5S technique in the Japanese language: Seiri, which translated into English means: Classification; Seiton (arrange); Seiso (cleaning); Seiketsu (standardize) and Shitsuke (discipline). The word Kaizen means continuous improvement, and has its origins in Japan. It was specifically aimed at production technicians and maintenance personnel.

FOA aims to optimize production processes and the quality of its products through continuous improvement actions in each field, with tools and practices that can be applied by its collaborators. Visualizing clear and simple objectives that can be executed with ease and discipline is the key, explained Peña, who gave the workshop.

In addition, he said that it was an important training session with good team participation, which showed interest and commitment to the subject.

For her part, Marlene Molinas, in charge of the Disposable Pods sector, stated that it was a useful talk. "I knew the method and it seemed very important to implement it in the production process," she said.

She added that this will help employees maintain discipline, because in an orderly environment it improves productivity and, therefore, progress. “I was excited to see the big picture and we are going to get to the continuous improvement that we are looking for. I see the need to implement this process in the company to achieve this constant growth”, he concluded.

FOA is characterized by constantly carrying out training sessions for its employees, within the framework of compliance with ISO 9001, whose priority is to improve the standards and quality of the factory.

September 23, 2022

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