FLAVORS OF AMERICAS gave various activities, talks on methods of early detection of breast cancer and coffee breaks for the employees of the different sectors of the company, for Pink October.
On this occasion, the employees were made aware of the importance of self-examination so that they can combat the disease early.
Sabemos que o câncer de mama é uma doença que afeta muitas mulheres, por isso, no âmbito da campanha Outubro Rosa, decidimos promover essa iniciativa para que os funcionários saibam fazer o autoexame e saibam que devem ir ao médico ao menor sintoma.
The activity was carried out by professionals from the health area, Dr. Zulma Diaz and Dr. Daisy Duarte, who coordinated the day in which all the women actively participated.
October Pink is a worldwide awareness campaign about breast cancer. Its objective is to sensitize and raise awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection of this pathology, which affects women between 40 and 60 years of age with a higher incidence, according to the Ministry of Health.